Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Sunday, September 01, 2024 — Houston, TX

Op Eds

OPINION 5/5/19 9:20pm

Companies need to remember the inclusion part of diversity and inclusion

Companies should strive to go beyond “quotas” for underrepresented groups as their measure of diversity and inclusion. Diversity and inclusion are reflected in how marginalized groups are treated by others, the opportunities available to these groups and the amount of respect given to a person’s voice. Even if a company has an equal demographic split, can they really say they are diverse or inclusive if select people experience bias or lack opportunities for success?

OPINION 4/16/19 11:47pm

From the editors’ desk: Farewell

For the last four years, we have spent every Monday night upstairs in the Rice Memorial Center, neglecting schoolwork, social events, friends (as our suitemates can attest) and even our own birthdays to produce the weekly newspaper that shows up in your college’s commons every Wednesday. 

OPINION 4/16/19 11:43pm

Pigeons belong at Rice

In my opinion, Rice presents itself as a very liberal institution: pro-people, pro-poor and disenfranchised, pro-animals and pro-nature. However, recent events have made me question this perception.

OPINION 4/16/19 11:30pm

Rice insurance plan should cover elective abortions

At the beginning of this year, the Thresher received a tip that the Rice student health insurance policy, Aetna, only covers abortions in the event of rape, incest or the endangerment of the life of the mother. An examination of the policy confirmed this tip to be factual.