Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 — Houston, TX


OPINION 11/12/19 10:20pm

Letter to the Editor: Response to maternity leave policy

The Thresher's Nov. 6 report and staff editorial highlight inadequate maternity leave policies at Rice. We, the undersigned*, agree that institutions like Rice should strive toward "equal maternity leave for all,” including the extraordinary and valuable members of our community whose classification happens to be “staff” or “non-tenure-track faculty.” 

OPINION 11/12/19 10:19pm

Our votes, our rights

This past Tuesday, Nov. 5, voters across Harris County went to the polls to cast ballots in local elections. Here at Rice, 851 individuals voted at the Rice Memorial Center. Many important municipal positions were on the ballot, including the Houston mayoral and city council races, along with Texas constitutional propositions. However, a number of Rice students who tried to vote at the RMC did not have an equal opportunity due to gross violations of one of our most essential rights.

OPINION 11/5/19 10:22pm

A eulogy for Schedule Planner

The opening of Schedule Planner toward the end of each semester used to be an exciting day for Rice students. For two weeks each semester, Schedule Planner was Rice’s favorite means of procrastination.

OPINION 11/5/19 10:19pm

More than just costumes: why this is about complacency, belongingness, and so much more.

From what we’ve heard, it wasn’t political; it was simply a cruel and insensitive series of choices. The three of them are: my new student, a friend (and McMurtry College Orientation Week advisor), and another fellow Murt. I’m sure we all know what this is about — the students who dressed up as U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to the Halloween event at Willy’s Pub. 

OPINION 11/5/19 10:17pm

On “wasting” my Rice degree

“So, what are you doing after graduation?” It’s the question every college senior has to answer at some point, and at Rice, it feels like most people have the perfect response. “I’m going to law school.” “I’m going to med school.” “I’m becoming a consultant.” And then it’s my turn. “I’m becoming a high school teacher.” A pause. A look of mild bewilderment. The conversation continues. 

OPINION 10/29/19 9:14pm

I am not a monster: After a psychotic episode, I was deferred from Rice for a year

During Orientation Week my freshman year at Rice, I suffered a psychotic episode due to schizophrenia. I said what the voices were telling me and ended up saying inappropriate things. I was escorted by a Rice University Police Department vehicle to the emergency room, where I was then locked up in the psychiatric ward for six days.

OPINION 10/29/19 9:13pm

Who told you about Africa?

When I came to Rice, I was asked different questions by some students about Africa and Rwanda, my home country. “Does Rwanda still suffer from the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi?” “How is life like in Africa?” “Do many people own cars?” and “Is it true that people are always fighting?” 

OPINION 10/22/19 9:32pm

The Value of NOW

What if we treated our time at Rice like what it actually is — a convergence of the world’s greatest minds and four years of unfettered access to the intellectual pillars of the past and the promise of the future? Dear Rice, your Orientation Week friends could one day change the world, and many of your professors and mentors already have. 

OPINION 10/8/19 10:11pm

What Black people hear when you use the N-word

As the semester starts and parties are in full swing, I want to speak out and be clear about one thing: Don’t use the N-word while rapping or singing along to songs. On a broader note, don’t use the N-word in your casual vocabulary. This is a demand, not a request.

OPINION 10/8/19 10:10pm

Call for a balanced narrative on Kashmir

Two weeks ago, I attended the “Howdy, Modi!” event along with over 100 Rice students and 2,000 students from universities across the United States. It was a proud moment as an Indian American, as I saw fellow students dancing in their colorful garb, musicians celebrating all of India’s spiritual traditions and politicians honoring the contributions made and unique place held by Indian Americans in the fabric of the U.S. 

OPINION 10/8/19 10:09pm

Letter to the editor: mindful protesting

Last week, I was dismayed to hear that over the course of protests happening at the university, chalk was used to deface multiple buildings across campus. A desire to strongly express feelings is understandable; however, it seems the vandals paid little attention to the burden their actions placed on those responsible for removing the writing. 

OPINION 10/1/19 10:52pm

Rethinking Orc Raids in the age of blackface scandals

In the past year, there has been a notable influx of blackface scandals among prominent politicians, such as Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and I cannot help but think of Sid Richardson College’s Orc Raids every time a new incident hits the press. 

OPINION 10/1/19 10:50pm

Letter to the Editor: on being low income at Rice

As a Rice alumna (Lovett College ’03) and a student who also attended Rice under adverse economic circumstances, I was inspired by Elizabeth’s bravery in writing about her financial situation and how foreign the Rice environment can be to those from different socioeconomic backgrounds.