Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Saturday, August 31, 2024 — Houston, TX

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Students receive MIPs, Pub found in violation at last Pub Night of the decade

(12/07/19 10:44pm)

The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission opened a complaint against TABC-licensed Willy’s Pub following infractions for underage drinking seen on Thursday’s Pub Night, according to TABC official Chris Porter. This is the first time in history that TABC has brought charges against Pub, according to a TABC report produced by an open records request.

Wrap up the year with the best of 2019 music

(12/04/19 3:08am)

According to my Last.fm, I’ve listened to 2,767 albums this year — and there are still so many more to listen to. 2019 saw an enormous number of pivotal and groundbreaking releases. Here are 20 of my favorites, and why I think everyone should give them a listen. Also, don’t get on my back for not including insert-niche-pick-here. A girl has only so much time in the day. To listen to favorite tracks from the albums, mixtapes and EPs below, plus singles, check out my Spotify playlist online.

From the editor’s desk: Student roles need proper compensation, support

(11/20/19 4:02am)

Every year, 33 students sacrifice 10 months to plan Orientation Week, a pivotal institution of Rice. Assuming an O-Week coordinator puts in 20 hours of work a week and qualifies for the maximum stipend allowed ($2,500), they would be making a meager $3.13 an hour to help pull off one of the university’s most advertised, unique programs.

College Republicans suspend visit by controversial Youtuber Carl Benjamin

(10/09/19 3:26am)

British Youtuber Carl Benjamin, also known as Sargon of Akkad, was originally scheduled to speak on campus next week on invitation by the Rice University College Republicans, but the event was suspended following recent campus discussions on sexual assault, according to RUCR Chairwoman Juliette Turner. 

Fill your playlists with Houston-based artists

(09/04/19 3:13am)

Out-of-state students, listen up. It’s time to drop the pretensions about New York, halt the nostalgia about Los Angeles and fully embrace your new home — the one and only Houston. (Dallas kids, there’s no debate here. Face the truth, Houston is better.) Large in both population and size, Houston is home to great food, a free sweaty workout in the 100 degree weather and most importantly, talented artists across all musical genres. See some of my picks below, but know that Houston’s talent pool only continues to grow. (And who does Dallas have again? Demi Lovato. That’s it.)

From the Editor's Desk: Support the students behind student media

(08/28/19 2:43am)

Most students know that Rice doesn’t have a business major. What they might not realize is that Rice also doesn’t have a journalism program, a photojournalism major, a visual design program or a public relations major — interests that instead coalesce in the tiny space that is the second floor of the Ley Student Center. Despite the lack of academic infrastructure, the Thresher has existed for 103 years, and this year I have the pleasure of leading it.