Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Friday, July 26, 2024 — Houston, TX


OPINION 11/9/16 8:00am

‘Masters’ title change not a threat to free speech

With most college masters in support of changing their title (see p.1), it does not seem reasonable to invalidate their concerns and their desire for a title more fitting for their roles within the residential college system. Opponents of the change often cite the academic sense of the term “master.” However, consider Rice’s context: William Marsh Rice was a slave owner and used his riches to found the school.

OPINION 11/9/16 8:00am

Letter to the Editor: Lovett is not a toaster

To the Editor, Being a Bakerite, it never really bothered me that Lovett College looked like a toaster (which it does from some angles). However, now I know a current student at Lovett, and I could tell that “Toaster College” was not their favorite nickname.

OPINION 11/2/16 8:00am

Humanities minors not useless

To the Editors, Your article on new minors, published on Oct. 26, concludes with a student expressing her sense that the new cinema and media studies minor is “useless.” People often say that humanities majors and minors are not practical in the real world.

OPINION 11/2/16 8:00am

New deputy treasurer poses no conflict of interest

As the role of the treasurer has expanded in recent years, the idea of a deputy treasurer has been discussed extensively and the Executive Team and the Student Association Senate determined it would be invaluable for the SA to add a deputy treasurer to allow the organization to function more efficiently.

OPINION 10/19/16 8:00am

New deputy treasurer holds conflict of interest

At this week’s Student Association meeting, current Rice Program Council Treasurer Ameesh Shah was nearly unanimously appointed as the SA’s first deputy treasurer (see "RPC treasurer appointed deputy treasurer of Student Association"). While we do not doubt Shah’s competence in performing the duties of the deputy treasurer, Shah’s current position as the treasurer of RPC, a blanket tax subsidiary organization, raises concerns about a conflict of interest. SA President Griffin Thomas dismissed these concerns at the SA meeting; his argument was that a conflict would have arisen only if Shah were the treasurer, not the deputy.

OPINION 10/19/16 8:00am

How we should label mental health

Please explain to me why you would accommodate anyone directing a “stigma” against anyone (see "RAMHA brings National Mental Health Awareness Week to Rice") ‘Advocacy for’ “Advocacy For” is the positive use of language to achieve positive goals.