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Editorial: Response to the Jan. 10 Backpage

(01/12/18 11:58pm)

In the Jan. 10 print edition of the Rice Thresher, our popular satirical “Backpage” consisted of a series of fake advertisements that looked to poke fun at different events going on at Rice and in the world at large. One of these “ads” (see image below), relating to the upcoming holiday of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, has attracted criticism from some individuals on social media; earlier today, in an apparent response, Rice University published a statement on its Twitter account stating that Rice is "disappointed w/this offensive attempt at satire."

Editorial: ​Let’s be honest about why Rice Owls must “give back”

(01/10/18 6:50am)

Every year, the Rice Annual Fund solicits donations from students for the Rice Owls Give Back campaign. One reason is to foster a “tradition” of giving back; another is to measure student satisfaction and boost the school’s ranking. Many students, however, aren’t sure why they should donate in addition to the thousands in tuition they already pay. Instead, they are often pressured into coughing up a dollar or two. Contrary to how the program is often portrayed, the amount of money raised only about equals the amount spent to encourage donations.

​Editorial: SA president must represent all student opinions

(11/29/17 5:22am)

The resolution supporting the Lifetime Enrichment Achievement Program failed to pass the Student Association Senate on Monday. However, SA President Justin Onwenu will present the results of both the SA and student body votes to the Committee of Undergraduate Curriculum. If the CUC approves, the resolution will be voted on by the Faculty Senate.

Editorial: LPAP expansion not a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question

(10/25/17 3:44am)

This Monday, Student Association President Justin Onwenu announced that the Lifetime Physical Activity Program expansion proposal would be included in the Survey for All Students. The proposal would would allow students to fulfill the LPAP requirement through classes outside of physical fitness including financial literacy, civic engagement and leadership. Onwenu’s announcement was met with concern from some SA members that there had not been enough exploration of other proposals.

Editorial: Open discussion needed to improve CTIS

(10/18/17 5:35pm)

It’s inevitable that an initiative on the scale of the Critical Thinking in Sexuality workshop won’t be flawless in its first iteration. Based on the accounts of some freshmen finishing the class, CTIS certainly has problems: lack of student engagement, scheduling issues and difficulties connecting with instructors. It’s vital to try and resolve these issues to make CTIS a success in future years, but that can’t happen if we don’t first acknowledge that problems exist.

Editorial: 100 ideas task force may prove influential

(10/04/17 9:16pm)

Just yesterday, President Leebron sent his Vision for the Second Century, Part Two draft to each and every one of us, inviting feedback on his goals for the future of Rice. The seven goals to extend Rice’s impact, outlined in his 55-page draft, concern undergraduate education, graduate programs, diversity and inclusiveness, research achievement, faculty standards, urban participation, and digital expansion. These seven major goals are appropriately expansive, but do not focus on undergraduate student life beyond academics and faculty-student engagement. In addition to the proposed goals, development of the non-academic undergraduate experience is an important part of any strategic plan for coming years. The creation of the SA’s 100 Ideas for Rice’s Future Task Force is intended to make sure the undergraduate voice is heard. Given that Leebron’s survey does not appear to gather ideas outside the established goals, the SA committee should serve as not fit into one of the already determined categories, such as the non-academic student experience. While it’s important to complete Leebron’s feedback form, the SA is better equipped to help us bring new ideas to the administration’s table that will shape the vision for the undergraduate experience of the future.

Editorial: V2C2 ideas must represent all Rice students

(09/27/17 5:03am)

President Leebron is working on Rice's Vision for the Second Century II, which will outline the university's plan for development in the next 100 years. On Monday, the Student Association approved the creation of a committee of students that will work to gather at least 100 ideas from students to include in the V2C2. SA President Justin Onwenu has taken applications and will choose the 10 committee members.

Dramatic closings ring in a new year for Houston food

(01/11/17 9:21pm)

In 2016, “the worst ever” dumpster fire of a year, Houston’s restaurants seemed to follow suit. It’s not as if the city’s entire culinary sector vanished, but the sudden closing of 59 Diner, the announcement of the closing of Houston’s reigning top ranked restaurant Oxheart’s and numerous other closings, including mainstays like Zelko Bistro, Kubo’s and Christian’s Tailgate, all cast a pall over the food scene.

VADA impresses with pithy production of Julius Caesar

(10/04/16 3:37am)

It is clear that our country currently faces a charged political environment. Whatever views one holds about the upcoming election, it is easy to be swept up in the virulent language that each side vigorously deploys. The Rice visual and dramatic arts department strides confidently into this charged political climate with a production of “Julius Caesar” that highlights the similarities between our American system and the age-old drama of despotism, democracy and rhetoric. In “Julius Caesar,” the VADA department appears to have done the improbable: With a minimal set, simple costuming and in large part retaining the original language, the cast and crew manage to capture the spirit and passion of the Shakespearian tragedy while connecting it to modernity.

Rice alumna produces Oscar-nominated documentary

(02/23/16 3:14am)

A documentary that neither Netflix viewers nor Oscar voters can ignore, “What Happened, Miss Simone?” weaves through the life and music of jazz legend and civil rights activist Nina Simone. As one of the most recognizable African-American voices of the 20th century, Simone laid her fingerprints on the culture of many generations. Directed by Liz Garbus and produced by Rice alum Amy Hobby (Will Rice ‘86), the film has been nominated for Best Documentary in the upcoming Academy Awards.

Cirque du Soleil soars with "Toruk"

(02/23/16 3:12am)

Known for traversing the limits of Euclidean space, Cirque du Soleil materializes on stage the film that pioneered mainstream 3-D cinema, James Cameron’s “Avatar.” Titled “Toruk: The First Flight,” the show is the obvious marriage of two visual feasts. As the world’s leading contemporary circus, Cirque du Soleil constructs heritage and mythology through fascinating spectacle.