Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Sunday, October 06, 2024 — Houston, TX

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Our votes, our rights

(11/13/19 4:19am)

This past Tuesday, Nov. 5, voters across Harris County went to the polls to cast ballots in local elections. Here at Rice, 851 individuals voted at the Rice Memorial Center. Many important municipal positions were on the ballot, including the Houston mayoral and city council races, along with Texas constitutional propositions. However, a number of Rice students who tried to vote at the RMC did not have an equal opportunity due to gross violations of one of our most essential rights.

Get Involved: Local issues impact us all

(09/18/19 2:58am)

Public transportation. Crisis management. Environmental regulation. While these policy issues might seem dry at first glance, they greatly impact young people in Houston. College students often have to ride bikes or take buses. Transportation safety is often determined by local policy. Many of us witnessed Hurricane Harvey and must grapple with the local implications of climate change and large-scale natural disasters; we all breathe the same air with locally-determined pollution levels. And yet, many of us tend to overlook what’s happening at the local level. Everyone should be informed about local issues, including young people. 

It’s 2017, and your vote still matters

(11/06/17 8:25pm)

Amid the excitement of the World Series, the stress of midterms and the impending doom of finals, one major upcoming event has not been on the minds of most Rice students: Election Day. Contrary to popular belief, there actually is an election this Tuesday, Nov. 7, and it has received an abysmally low level of attention. In general, it’s hard to attract voters to a non-flashy local election, especially during an off-cycle year like 2017. In the wake of Harvey and last year’s fatiguing campaign season, the Rice population seems particularly disinterested in this year’s local elections.

Students on visas face tough job market

(04/05/17 2:13am)

In the wake of Trump’s executive order banning travelers from six majority-Muslim nations and reports of potential changes to visa policies, international students at Rice are left reassessing their ability to stay in the U.S. after graduation. Rice is home to more than 1,600 international undergraduates and graduates from 94 countries, comprising almost a quarter of the degree-seeking population.

CCL, student clubs register more than 150 voters

(10/26/16 3:48am)

With a presidential election looming in November, the Rice Center for Civic Leadership and various student organizations have hosted a variety of voter registration drives and get-out-the-vote efforts over the past two months, registering a total of over 150 students before the Oct. 11 registration deadline. The efforts aim to increase Texas’s historically low voting rate.

Rice Students rally at Tim Kaine's Houston visit

(09/28/16 4:34am)

An eager crowd decked out in Hillary Clinton spiritwear lined up in downtown Houston early Friday morning to see Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine. Kaine, a Virginia U. S. senator and Hillary Clinton’s running mate, came to deliver a rallying stump speech in support of Clinton’s bid for the 2016 presidential elections.