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Statement from the SA President about the current election

(03/09/17 10:18pm)

As a rather tumultuous election period is wrapping up, I want to clarify what caused the constitutional errors that resulted in the exclusion of part-time students from our initial ballot and how we have responded over the past week. We have slowly and cautiously released information to ensure we were not spreading misinformation as our review has been ongoing. We have also been careful to communicate information in a way that does not unnecessarily scapegoat or blame an individual. Given the public and often passionate nature of the election, this concern has been especially acute. We are interested in understanding these past mistakes to minimize them in the future, not to assign blame or punish individuals for honest misjudgments.

Thoughts on liberalism and compassion

(11/16/16 2:00pm)

For many in our community, the results of Tuesday’s election came as a surprise. In the immediate wake of the election, it appears that President-elect Donald Trump’s victory came as a result of concerns about the effects of globalization and a dysfunctional culture in Washington, D.C., as well as fears about changing demographics and the place of women, Muslims, Hispanics, African-Americans and others in modern American society.

All initiatives are special interest

(10/26/16 1:00pm)

The Student Association Senate’s creation of a task force to explore the state of pre-health advising at Rice has drawn some attention to the purpose of the SA in recent weeks. Since this bill has passed and a number of people have already opined on the subject, I do not think it productive to wade into this debate. Instead, since it is a little over halfway through our term, I want to clarify how the SA operates and evaluate what more we can do.

We need action after one year standstill of sexual assault discourse

(09/21/16 1:48pm)

Sept. 21 marks the one-year anniversary of the release of the Survey of Unwanted Sexual Experiences results that revealed 1 in 4 undergraduate women and 1 in 14 undergraduate men were victims of sexual misconduct while at Rice. In the wake of these results, the University released a statement vowing “to strengthen efforts to prevent sexual misconduct” in which President David Leebron and Provost Marie Lynn Miranda called on the entire Rice community to join in these efforts.

Putting first things first

(04/06/16 4:22am)

The first step in solving any problem is recognizing one exists. The Student Association has not been working for you — at least not for all of you. Far too often we find that a diversity of voices are not being heard within the SA, that the interests of the silent minority are ignored in pursuit of the outspoken majority’s agenda. That ends now. I am deeply grateful for the SA’s strong leadership in recent years that has pushed us toward broader inclusion, but there is always room for improvement. We can do far better and we owe it to you to do better. 

Vote for me, and I’ll fight for you

(02/11/16 4:00am)

Candidates for Student Association president always write the same things in these op-eds about wanting to find a way to work with the college system, increase communication with the student body and enhance the Rice experience (whatever the hell that means). While these are certainly important and admirable goals, I am not going to pander to you like that or waste your time because the stakes are too high. Communication and collaboration are important, but when it comes to choosing an SA president, you should demand more.

We must reframe SB #4 discussion

(11/10/15 9:32pm)

In recent days, debate has reached a fever pitch about Senate Bill #4, a bill recommending the creation of a mandatory “Critical Thinking in Sexuality” class to combat sexual assault on Rice’s campus. This debate has grown increasingly personal and centered on process over substance. Recently, many arguments have focused on petty attacks against individuals without substantive discussion of the bill itself. These personal attacks have no place in the arena of public discourse as they cheapen the debate and distract us from the goal of combating sexual assault.

SJP meetings should not be secret affairs

(02/18/15 12:00am)

In Fall 2012, Olivia Hansen, a former Rice student, wrote an op-ed claiming she was mistreated by members of the university administration when she attempted to file harassment complaints against an abusive partner, and was subsequently forced to withdraw from Rice. While the university claimed this withdrawal was for her emotional well-being, Hansen maintains that it was Rice’s attempt to silence an unhappy student to protect its reputation and quality-of-life rankings.