Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Sunday, October 06, 2024 — Houston, TX

The Rice community showed us how to show up

By Thresher Editorial Board     10/5/21 10:14pm

This weekend, people flooded the streets of Houston and cities across the state to protest SB 8 at the Women’s March. For a march dedicated to women, the crowd extended well beyond that group, including adults, children and pets alike. While it may have been initially daunting to take action in the wake of SB 8’s enactment, numerous displays of support last weekend by members of the Rice community and other actions in the previous weeks have shed light on how we can support each other and come together to support causes we are passionate about.

Even before the march, students and faculty alike found other mediums to express their concerns with the legislation. Students hosted study breaks to provide safe spaces for others who were shocked by the news. Various departments on campus collaborated to host an informational webinar on the impacts of Texan women’s abortion access today and how reproductive restrictions have historically impacted women.

On Saturday, student organizations gathered across campus in large groups to head downtown, individual students grabbed friends and hopped on the METRO and adults on campus went out of their way to support the students. Duncan College Magister Eden King invited students to join her at the march, providing coffee and donuts beforehand. Baker College Magister Luis Duno-Gottberg brought bagels to some marchgoers before bringing his family along to the march. Even though it might not change the law, the Rice community showing up to support the women’s march was a blueprint for what we can do to help.

Since SB 8 took effect, many Rice students have wanted to take action, but it hasn’t always been clear what they could do about it. While some have attended protests or set out to raise awareness for issues related to reproductive rights, not everyone has the time or desire to do so, even if they still want to help in some way. Throughout previous editorials, we’ve continuously called for support from professors and the Rice community on many other important topics, but with only vague ideas as to what that could and should look like. This weekend, and the weeks since the implementation of SB 8, have been a prime example of how to do that. People from all across the Rice community found ways to respond and show support for their classmates and peers in ways big and small. No matter the topic, it is promising to see such a display of solidarity, and we hope that the Rice community continues to band together in this way.

Editor’s Note: Thresher editorials are collectively written by the members of the Thresher’s editorial board. Current members include Savannah Kuchar, Ben Baker-Katz, Ivanka Perez, Nayeli Shad, Talha Arif, Morgan Gage and Daniel Schrager.

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