Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Saturday, August 31, 2024 — Houston, TX

News In Rhyme

By Anthony Lauriello     2/15/12 6:00pm

National News

Iran threatens oil embargo

There once was a country named Iran

That was more of a pariah than Sudan

Ruled by an ayatollah

And Ahmadinejad

They made a threat

To make Europe fret

Those European oil sales they would ban

Due to rising tensions and increasing embargos, Iran has threatened to cut oil exports to six European countries.

Obama submits 2013 budget proposal

Obama's administration has been all about money

Because our budget is so large it's not even funny

It includes goals like the payroll tax

And making sure loopholes aren't so lax

It does not touch programs of entitlement

But just because to Congress his proposal is sent

Does not mean it will go very far

Because stiff opposition the Republicans are

So Obama should hold off on the champagne

But most think he doesn't care because it's just for the campaign

Obama submitted his budget proposal to Congress, which Republicans allege is merely a campaign document.

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