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News In Rhyme

By Anthony Lauriello     10/6/11 7:00pm


Steve Jobs dies

The man who brought us the iPod and iMac

Who made the turtleneck cool and had a legendary comeback

Who made the computer personal and Pixar a reality

Finally came to terms with life's eventual fatality

The man changed technology, as we know it

And we will be remembered for his innovation and wit

Apple announced that its former CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs passed away last Wednesday.

Governor Christie still not running

Despite saying to the press no again and again

Pundits felt the question of Governor Christie was not if but when

But Tuesday the New Jersey Republican proved them all wrong

Many were surprised even though his answer was the same all along

Those wanting a centrist in the primary had their hopes deflated

Though if he could win after entering late could certainly be debated

Meanwhile the Republican presidential field looks to be two

But despite Obama's approval the winner will still have quite a job to do.

Governor Chris Christie formally announced he would not run for president in the 2012 elections saying that it was "not his time."

Occupy Wall Street protests sweep the U.S.

All across America people are protesting something

And some people are even drawing comparisons to the Arab Spring

But while their anger is clear their goals are not

And while they are being arrested they are not being shot

So while its understandable they are upset about the economy

And that they oppose greed and income inequality

Comparing it to Tripoli or Cairo seems far-fetched

The analogy seems offensive and really stretched

Furthermore those on the streets offer few solutions

And if they want to be taken seriously then they should make contributions

A series of street protests against Wall Street banks and their influence have spread across American cities, though any coherent message seems to be lacking.

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NOD permanently canceled, Rice strips away-decades old campus tradition

After 50 years of decadence, Wiess College’s infamous underwear party is no more.  Born in the early 1970s after a group of Wiess students poured all their alcohol into a bathtub — creating a brew “so potent it removed the varnish” — Night of Decadence has spent years in the national eye. Allegedly recognized as one of Playboy’s top college parties in the nation, NOD has also been subject to mounting scrutiny over alcohol use and an “explicitly dangerous and sexual atmosphere.” Rice has now permanently canceled the public, Dean of Undergraduates Bridget Gorman and Wiess magister Flavio Cunha announced in a message to campus June 5.

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Rice Mutual Aid partners with student organizations to fundraise for Gaza

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