Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Monday, May 13, 2024 — Houston, TX

Margeux Clemmons and Cindy Dinh

NEWS 2/19/09 6:00pm

Archis behind on Paris trip funding

Sophomore architecture students may have to incur a larger percentage of the funding for their annual educational trip to Paris, France, than in previous years due to the economic downturn and problematic timing of their main fundraising party, Archi-Arts. Baker College sophomore Aya Matsumoto, an architecture major, estimated that 300 people attended Archi-Arts, the annual formal hosted by sophomore architecture students, short of their expected attendance of 500-600 people.

NEWS 2/5/09 6:00pm

Rice changes budget

In response to a 20 to 25 percent loss in the endowment's value, President David Leebron announced a 5 percent university-wide budget cut on funding from unrestricted sources last Wednesday during January's plenary meeting of the faculty. Deans and vice presidents will be responsible for including a 5 percent budget reduction individually in each academic school and administrative division's financial plans for the 2010 fiscal year, which begins July 1. The overall reduction amounts to approximately $13 million, 3 percent of the entire university budget and a $7 million increase over the budget cuts announced Dec. 1 last year. Portions of the budgets and endowment, which are restricted for certain uses, such as scholarships, will not be affected by the cut.