Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Saturday, August 31, 2024 — Houston, TX

Amelia Davis

FEATURES 4/16/24 10:24pm

Decoding the Texas Pornhub ban

Pornhub sued Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to block the enforcement of a state law that requires commercial websites publishing pornography “harmful to minors” online establish age verification measures and show health warnings on their webpages in 2023. 

NEWS 4/9/24 10:54pm

Spectra, LGBTQ+ mathematician organization, launches Rice chapter

A new chapter of Spectra is being introduced at Rice this spring semester. Spectra is a professional association for LGBTQ+ mathematicians, originating as a protest after the 1995 Joint Mathematics Meeting conference was scheduled to take place in Colorado, which had recently passed a state amendment prohibiting anti-discrimination laws for lesbian, gay and bisexual people. 

FEATURES 3/5/24 10:07pm

AI in the archives: Fondren Library explores new tech

From Grammarly and Quizlet to SparkNotes and Spotify, artificial intelligence is now a major feature of nearly every website — and the archives of Fondren Library are no exception. The use of AI has been a notoriously hot-button topic for the last few years, involved in artist exploitation debates and the terms of the Writers Guild of America strike, but in the Woodson Research Center, its role has been to facilitate greater ease and expediency in many of their preservation and transcription processes. 

FEATURES 2/27/24 10:33pm

Ruth Simmons stays true to herself

Ruth Simmons’ career has taken her all across the country — from Houston’s Third Ward to Smith College in Massachusetts to Brown University where she became the first Black female president of an Ivy League School and back to Houston again. 

FEATURES 2/13/24 10:04pm

V-Day dates: studying, snacking, shopping

Whether your Screw date has miraculously lasted into the second semester or you have a self-sourced partner to keep your spirits up during the stress of midterms, you may be prepared to scroll through innumerable Yelp reviews to ferret out the perfect Valentine’s Day date spot. Have no fear — whether your dream date is classy, casual or just plain crazy, options abound from Rice Village to Montrose and everywhere in between.

FEATURES 1/16/24 9:55pm

Snap your senior shots here

With graduation looming on the horizon, seniors have a long to-do list before they enter the real world. One of a graduate’s many tasks is securing that ideal graduation picture. With the Sallyport currently playing host to chain-link fences and construction vehicles, you may want to set your sights on some of the Rice area’s other landmarks to get the perfect shot.

FEATURES 11/28/23 11:32pm

Live your best dead days life

Final exams begin Dec. 6 for many students. The Monday and Tuesday of that week are study days where no classes are held, christened the “Dead Days” because campus is devoid of much life outside of frantic revision. Here is a list of study breaks where you can regain a balance of emotional and mental health before diving into exams … not to mention the long winter break with family. 

FEATURES 10/24/23 11:25pm

Quiet country life: best ways to take a rustication vacation

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, to “rusticate” is “to stay or live in the countryside; to live a quiet country life.” Rustication at Rice is a prohibition from living on campus and taking part in college life and activities — a softer cousin to expulsion. However, living “a quiet country life” is a serious blow to the social calendar and probably not most students’ idea of a perfect time at Rice. With that in mind, here are some ways to get rusticated for you to avoid … or not. 

FEATURES 10/4/23 12:07am

Rice’s properties: down to Earth and out of the park

Many Rice students know that the university owns and leases some of the land in Rice Village. Lesser known, however, is the scope of Rice’s extensive and occasionally eccentric real estate holdings, which cover everything from the basics to the land that holds a women’s clothing retailer in the Rice Village, the Impeccable Pig.