Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Sunday, October 06, 2024 — Houston, TX

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Government wrongly ignores inhumane torture tactics

(05/15/09 12:00am)

"Some of life has to be mysterious. Sometimes in life you wanna just keep walkin'." This is what Peggy Noonan, Reagan speechwriter and frequent Republican pundit, had to say about the U.S. Attorney General's recent declassification of documents that describe a number of methods explicitly authorized by Bush Administration officials for use as "enhanced interrogation techniques" by the CIA. Among the approved procedures described are facial slaps, sleep deprivation, stress positions, enclosure of the prisoner in a small box with large insects and the most controversial of all these techniques, waterboarding.

Recession promotes humanitarian careers

(04/17/09 12:00am)

In the past few years, graduating college seniors have flocked toward jobs in investment banking or consulting, thanks to their relatively high starting salaries and the prestige they add to a résumé. This trend is particularly true at some of the most competitive and elite schools in the nation; The New York Times has reported that 40 percent of recent Harvard undergraduates go on to careers in finance.At Rice, the Career Services survey of recent alumni indicates that a large number of bachelor's degree recipients who do not go on to graduate or professional schools choose banking or consulting for their first jobs out of college. However, with the current state of the economy, finance has lost much of its pull: Jobs are scarcer and less secure, and the industry no longer holds the prestige it once did. With these sudden changes in the job market, many current college seniors are left without the traditional career paths that their predecessors took in previous years. Now, the question is, in what direction will the new generation of college students choose to go?