Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Sunday, September 01, 2024 — Houston, TX

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RUPD officer fired after responding to 'officer down' call

(06/20/11 12:00am)

On May 7, a man spotted with a pistol at the Greyhound Station at 2121 Main was confronted by an off-duty Houston Police Department officer and shot the officer in the hand after refusing the officer's commands. The man then ran to a nearby McDonald's where he exchanged gunfire with another HPD officer, hitting him in the leg. He then ran to the Amegy Bank parking garage on on St. Joseph parkway on Fannin Street. The shootings occurred about three miles from campus. Sedmak rushed to the scene, responding to a call of ‘officer down' on the radio. Deputy Executive Director of the Texas Municipal Police Association Kevin Lawrence said the officers then used Sedmak's car for cover while they returned fire.

Interview: Physics professor Hafner receives Hackerman Award

(02/11/11 12:00am)

The Welch Foundation honored Physics Professor Jason Hafner with this year's Normann Hackerman Award in Chemistry Research. The award, named for the chemist and former Rice University president, recognizes chemical scientists in Texas beginning their careers. Hafner earned a master's degree in physics at Rice in 1996, a and has served as a faculty member at Rice for the past nine years. The Rice Thresher: What is your research background?

New year ushers in rebuilt career services

(01/14/11 12:00am)

Career services will get a makeover for the new year, complete with a brand new name. The Center for Career Development, formerly the Center for Student Professional Development, will shift its focus to career development by increasing communication with potential employers and expanding information to students beyond traditional aspects of professional development.The CCD, which counsels students in post-graduate planning, officially changed its name last Monday. CCD held an open house on Wednesday to inform students about the recent changes, review resumes and disperse information about upcoming events. The event took place at the Huff House, where the CCD is currently located.

Colleges to close Dec. 16

(12/03/10 12:00am)

For the second consecutive year, undergraduates living in the residential colleges will have to find another place to stay as the colleges shut down for winter break.The colleges will close from 4 p.m. Dec. 16 until 2 p.m. Jan. 8. During this time, students will not be allowed in the colleges without an escort from Housing and Dining or Rice University Police Department. Resident associates

McMurtry LEED gold certified before dedication

(11/19/10 12:00am)

Just in time for its dedication, McMurtry College became the second new building at Rice to receive Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold certification, the U.S. Green Building Council's second-highest designation.Named for Burt (Baker '56 and '57) and Deedee (Brown '56) McMurtry, the 10th residential college incorporates several environmentally friendly features into its design. McMurtry gained LEED Gold-certified status on Oct. 5 and was dedicated on Oct. 29.

East Servery to be ready by spring semester

(09/24/10 12:00am)

From a distance, the glass-walled structure near Will Rice College and Lovett College may not look like much, but upon students' return from winter break, the building will house the East Servery. Scheduled to open its doors on the same day students return for the spring semester, the new servery, which broke ground last February, will replace the old serveries at Lovett and Will Rice.

Nanochip technology marks breakthrough

(09/10/10 12:00am)

Rice researchers have developed a new kind of memory chip from silicon oxide using nanotechnology that could increase maximum storage space on chips and open the way for 3-D memory storage.Flash memory, the current standard, uses an applied voltage to allow electrons to flow from a source through a gate and into a drain. The transistor begins conducting when electrons leave the gate. Two-terminal silicon chips, which contain a source and drain, stand out from standard three-terminal flash memory, Chemistry Professor Jim Tour said. Without the need for a third terminal, these silicon nanocrystal devices can be built into three-dimensions, which allows for increased density and memory space, Tour said.

Smoking policy enacted

(09/03/10 12:00am)

No butts about it. A policy signed by President David Leebron last month officially restricts where students can smoke on campus. Rice University Policy No. 839, signed by Leebron on Aug. 3, adopted a formalized nonsmoking policy that complies with the city of Houston's nonsmoking ordinance. Prior to Aug. 3, Rice defaulted to the city of Houston's ordinance, Business Process Consultant Daniel Fu said.

Smooth transition back for Baker and Will Rice (1)

(08/27/10 12:00am)

After 15 months of renovations, Baker College and Will Rice College students were welcomed home to their respective colleges by familiar sights, as well as several new additions. As part of President David Leebron's Vision for the Second Century, which calls for increasing the size of the undergraduate enrollment by 30 percent to approximately 3,800 students by 2015, Baker and Will Rice underwent renovations to increase the number of beds at each college.

RUPD runs for Special Olympics, continues tradition

(07/30/10 12:00am)

The Rice University Police Department has gone the distance once again. For the 11th consecutive year, RUPD officers participated in the Law Enforcement Torch Run and Special Olympics Texas games.Law enforcement officers from across the state carried a lit torch through various Texas cities from May 26 to 28, leading up to the May 28 opening ceremony of the Special Olympics Texas games, which were hosted at the University of Texas Arlington. The torch run serves as an opportunity for officers to raise awareness and fundraise for the Special Olympics.