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Tecnológico de Monterrey partnership highlights emerging international opportunities

Courtesy Rice University

By Alyssa Hu     11/28/23 11:25pm

Rice has partnered with Tecnológico de Monterrey to offer concurrent doctoral degrees and dual master’s programs alongside joint efforts in continuing and professional education. Additionally, the agreement allows Tecnológico de Monterrey undergraduates to engage in research at Rice, providing more opportunities for Rice students in research to collaborate with international peers.

Vice president for global strategy Caroline Levander said the partnership between Rice University and Tecnológico de Monterrey represents a strategic alignment of high-quality institutions with complementary strengths. 

“Tecnológico de Monterrey, like Rice, is committed to unsurpassed education and research with an emphasis on the technology field,” Levander said. “The historic strength of Rice and of [Tecnológico de Monterrey] make us really nice partners.”

According to Provost Amy Dittmar, this collaboration simultaneously expands the “breadth and flexibility” of binational scholarship and brings the two countries closer together. 

“Collaboration between two great universities in these cities will strengthen collaboration between the U.S. and Mexico,” Dittmar wrote in an email to the Thresher.

Levander said this partnership represents a crucial step in Rice’s strategy to enhance its international impact. 

“Much of the research and teaching that we focus on are global problems, so what we want is to make sure that [Rice] is interconnected around the world,” Levander said.

Rice’s other international collaborations include those with Anáhuac University in Mexico City and the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, and alliances with universities in Argentina, Brazil and Costa Rica. 

In addition, Rice recently opened a new campus in Paris. The campus hosts students for summer courses and faculty conferences featuring high-profile research. 

“[The Paris campus] is a way to raise the visibility of our research and of our teaching and education to international audiences,” Levander said.

Summer 2024 courses offered at the Paris campus range from art history to chemistry, allowing students in various majors opportunities to study abroad.

Bioengineering major Breanna Hutchison said she has planned her semesters to study abroad in the future.

“One factor in picking a school for me was the amount of study abroad opportunities … I don’t think [this kind of] opportunity can be overvalued,” Hutchison, a Will Rice College freshman, said. “It’s challenging but doable [as a STEM student].”

Haoyang Pang, an exchange student from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, said studying at Rice this semester allowed him to appreciate cultural nuances and explore post-graduation ambitions. 

“Every student should have the chance to experience study abroad, as it is fundamentally transformative,” Pang said.

Studying abroad can also prepare students for a future career, according to Levander and Dittmar.

“[Study abroad programs] will make you a better-rounded person and more valuable to potential employers or graduate programs,” Dittmar wrote. “Talk with your academic advisor about making the most of the [study abroad] activities that are available to you at Rice and don’t hesitate to take advantage of them.”

Applications are now open for Rice undergraduate students to apply to the Rice Global Paris Summer Program. For students enrolled in Session 5 of the Paris summer courses, there are opportunities to attend 2024 Paris Olympic games. 

“We have secured Olympic tickets for students to attend Beach Volleyball at the Eiffel Tower Stadium on Tuesday, July 30th, from 3:00-6:00 PM,” Irene Mendez, a Global Programs Specialist, wrote in an email to the Thresher.

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