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The Editorial Board presents: The editorials we never wrote

By Thresher Editorial Board     4/18/23 10:06pm

For our final editorial of the year, we decided to do a brief recap of some of the editorials we never had a chance to write. Some are very serious, some are only mildly serious — and we leave it up to y’all to figure out which are which.

Rice should replace the current campus buses with electric ones. There are so many benefits to this switch, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, lower maintenance costs and a cleaner, more modern appearance on campus. But most importantly, getting stuck behind one of the current buses while biking the inner loop does a number on your lungs for the rest of the day.

The Honor Council’s new ChatGPT policy is arbitrary and impossible to enforce. Instead, the university should require faculty to individually determine the extent to which AI software is allowed in their course assignments and reflect that in their syllabi.

When True Dog was initially introduced to campus, we were going to urge the Rice community to give it a chance. After we tried it, we realized those thoughts were premature. We’re glad we held off on that one.

A big shoutout to H&D, both the housing and dining arms. Housing staff, we realize that we’ve put y’all through a lot this year, and we know that most of your work goes unnoticed, so thank you. Dining staff, both the food and servery set-ups have been noticeably better this year, and we appreciate it.

One crucial thing we learned this year is the importance of increased mental health support in the Rice community. We urge the administration to increase funding for the Wellbeing and Counseling center to sufficiently address student needs.

And finally, we are absolutely begging y’all, please stop making people get wristbands for public parties. 

Editor’s Note: Thresher editorials are collectively written by the members of the Thresher’s editorial board. Current members include Ben Baker-Katz, Morgan Gage, Bonnie Zhao, Hajera Naveed, Nayeli Shad, Riya Misra, Michelle Gachelin, Daniel Schrager, Prayag Gordy and Brandon Chen.

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