Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Saturday, August 31, 2024 — Houston, TX

Crossword Solutions 2/20

By Carolina Hatanpaa     2/25/19 10:18am


1. Billiards

10. Ollie

11. Duh

12. Go

13. SA

16. Odor

18. Lights Out

20. Eked

21. TS

22. II

25. GDP

27. Astro

30. Horsewhip


1. Bobsleigh

2. Il

3. LLC

4. Li

5. IED

6. A

7. Rd

8. Dugout

9. Shortstop

14. Aikido

15. PhD

16. OSU

17. DO

19. GE

23. Bae

24. Nth

26. PR

28. SW

29. RI

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