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Saturday, August 31, 2024 — Houston, TX

News In Rhyme

By Anthony Lauriello     4/12/12 7:00pm

National News

Rick Santorum, An Inspirational Story

There once was a little candidate named Santorum who wanted to be president

He spent so much time in Iowa that some would even call him a resident

Everyone said he would fail, but he kept saying, "I think I can, I think I can"

All the pundits said Romney, but he said, "I think I can, I will be your man"

And when the little candidate won Iowa, people laughed, but he kept on winning

He won all the Southern states and everyone's head started spinning

Then Romney started to do well and everyone told him to drop out

But the little candidate kept saying "I think I can, I think I can" and refused to pout

The election started looking bad for Santorum; delegates he fell behind

But his home state was up next, so he kept saying, "I think I can" in his mind

Santorum thought that if you believe in a dream, you can achieve it

But then he realized that he might lose Pennsylvania, so he quit.

Rick Santorum dropped out before the primary election in his home state of Pennsylvania, clearing the way for Mitt Romney to face Barack Obama in the general election.

George Zimmerman To Be Tried for Second Degree Murder

When George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin, he claimed self-defense

But since he was an unarmed teenager, many didn't think this made sense

Florida police accepted his plea

And Mr. Zimmerman was allowed to walk free

But this Wednesday, the special prosecutor announced a decree

Mr. Zimmerman would be charged with murder in the second degree

George Zimmerman was indicted for the shooting of teenager Trayvon Martin. Florida police had previously refused to charge him.

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