Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Saturday, June 15, 2024 — Houston, TX

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Celebrate Rice’s overlooked pocket prairie

(11/30/16 12:49am)

Despite its location in the fourth-largest city in the United States, the Rice campus manages to host a treasure trove of underutilized natural spaces. While 96 percent of the 58 people we surveyed have seen the Harris Gully Natural Area, only about 34 percent of students knew the area’s name. When asked their opinions on the area, students gave fairly polarizing responses. We got about as many positive comments (“I love it when it has the sunflowers and bluebonnets”) as we did negative (“It’s weedy and kind of gross looking”). Despite the participants’ opinions on the aesthetics of the area, the majority of Rice students don’t know why we chose to preserve the Harris Gully Natural Area.