Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Sunday, October 06, 2024 — Houston, TX

Letter to the Editor

4/12/12 7:00pm

To the Editor:

The college system has its pros and cons. We all know this and Eddie Reyes clearly addresses some of the issues in his editorial, "Will Rice stays strong during Beer Bike," published on April 6, 2012. Most ironically, though, his article actually exemplifies many of the attributes he is criticizing.

Will Rice College is undeniably linked to Beer Bike history and it has a strong record of winning. There is nothing wrong with being successful or "caring" and "trying" as Reyes suggests. The united "hatred" towards Will Rice does not stem from its success, but rather its approach to Beer Bike as a whole. Ceremonies flaunting their victories, shirts commemorating their sweeps, stationary bicycles at the track (like they have had in the past) and other obnoxious actions are the difference between a champion and a showoff. These are the reasons for the united front against Will Rice during Willy Week and Beer Bike, not the college's actual success.

While such hatred from other colleges is certainly frustrating, Will Rice has brought it upon itself, unlike Martel College, the usual scapegoat of the 10 colleges. However, to suggest that other colleges are simply not up to par with Will Rice is downright arrogant. Reyes may have had insights as a college president, but claiming that other colleges can only unite through hatred is a ridiculous and shameful statement. All of the colleges have traditions and a culture that let their spirits shine: It may just require getting out of Will Rice to witness it.

Christoph Meyer is a Hanszen College senior.

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